Excerpt from The A.A. Service Manual.
The group meets to form a group conscience on proposed changes or actions on matters relating to A.A. as a whole. The group’s elected general service representative, or GSR, is tasked with: 1) making sure the group’s conscience is heard and fully considered at the district and the area and 2) becoming part of the delegate’s thinking at the Conference.
Groups are organized into districts, generally collections of groups located near one another. The GSRs in each district elect the district committee Member (DCM), who becomes part of the area committee.
The area holds periodic assemblies that include GSRs and DCMs as voting members. Assembly schedules and agendas are based on local autonomy and group conscience. The area handles a wide range of concerns, and one of the most important functions is electing the delegate to represent the area at the annual General Service Conference.
Area 55 is one of the 93 geographic areas of the U.S. and Canada General Service structure. The map below shows the area and its 13 districts:
Areas in the State of Ohio
Ohio is made up of 4 areas (shown below):

East Central Region
Area 55 is part of the East Central Region (shown below).